About Maxm

High School:

I went to high school in Littlestown, PA. (Yes, that's what it's called. And yes, it was little.) Throughout high school, I was a Future Business Leaders of America member, also serving as Reporter and President of our local chapter. Additionally, I was captain of our football team. I graduated as Valedictorian in 2021.


I am enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh - Main Campus as a Computer Science major (please don't hold that against my social skills). I have an intended graduation date in the Spring of 2025. I currently have a GPA of 3.9 and have made the School of Computing and Information's Dean's List in all four of my semesters at Pitt.


- Pittsburgh Sports (all of them)

- Friends

^ my best friend

- Anything technology

I built my first computer during my freshman year of high school and have been upgrading and rebuilding it ever since.


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